IEMT (Integral Eye Movement Therapy)

Moving your eyes in certain ways appears to link to the part of your brain that stores memories and their connected emotions. IEMT (Integral Eye Movement Therapy) is a journey of self discovery, where you explore how you learned to respond or behave in certain ways. As you examine how you initially developed certain feelings towards specific situations, old problematic memories and thought patterns lose their intense and negative emotional charge. We address difficult emotions and help you to reprocess negative memories and file them properly in your mind. Next, we focus on your identity, exploring how you see yourself and interact with others.
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It's unnecessary to discuss your issue or traumatic memories in order to experience relief. As long as you can remember the event and connect with the associated feeling, we can resolve the issue without discussing the problem. By just giving a situation a label and a SUDS number (1-10, 10 being the worst), you can work on these negative memories. You won’t forget what happened, but you will lose the overwhelming negative feelings associated with the event.
Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) are both therapeutic approaches that use eye movements to help clients process and resolve emotional and psychological issues. However, there are key differences between the two:
EMDR is based on the idea that traumatic memories are improperly processed and stored in the brain, leading to distress. EMDR aims to reprocess these memories so they are no longer distressing.
IEMT is based on the idea that undesired emotions and behaviors are often linked to specific imprints in a person’s identity. IEMT seeks to address these imprints by changing the way they are neurologically encoded, without necessarily focusing on trauma.
Learn more about the differences bettwen IEMT and EMDR here.
EMDR is based on the idea that traumatic memories are improperly processed and stored in the brain, leading to distress. EMDR aims to reprocess these memories so they are no longer distressing.
IEMT is based on the idea that undesired emotions and behaviors are often linked to specific imprints in a person’s identity. IEMT seeks to address these imprints by changing the way they are neurologically encoded, without necessarily focusing on trauma.
Learn more about the differences bettwen IEMT and EMDR here.